Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Moon landing and faked!

HAHA I just found out aboiut how we faked it on the moon for the landing, and it was the best MOVIE ever of all time that it was faked LOL! I think we also faked the time when mars attackeds earth in the movie "MARS ATTACKS" bc if it was were real, then how come my parent do not remember wehen it happend??

SO many ppl know we faked on the moon and some ppl even say its impossible to land ion the moon bc it is powder like GOLD BOND. But the Buchcheney faked it bc of all the evil they make.

LOL here is an asp idea of greatness! WHOA! I am excited!!!!! It is an idea about what IF ... WHAT IF,... what if the moon landings was real actual????? OMG

In other news: Soon i will have another writing tutuor to ghelp me write these ASPS better, so it will be better than OK! Also, I am writing more for my scirpt and re-works it. Do u rememver it is called THEW EYES OF BINTOOBOLOBECK???? I will psot some of the scirpts on my asp!