Thursday, November 8, 2007

Back from the Hospital and Doing an ASP in Word(s?)!!!!

Jesus Crumbs! So I was just released from the hospital yesterday, and I just got back home to Madison! The doctors at the hospital helped me change a lot, and convinced me that doing a suicide WON'T solve my problems and will only make my fans very sad. But also, I changed in another way too... Bucket of laughs!

How did I change also? Well… I am on the road to becoming an excellent writer!! This is first of all because of the writing tutor that I had, whose name was Jim Canton and his hair was red and he wore glasses, which means he is very smart. But also, it is because my best friend Percy sent me an email with a TIP, which was to write my ASP and all my writing of "scripts" in a program called "Word"! I thought this was very strange, because before this I thought that the program "Word" only let you write out just one word, like maybe a very long and complicated one like "Categorization" or "Caterpillar-like". If the program is to do more than one word it should be called WordS, which is many of them, and not Word which is just one.

But now I know that it does many Words, and also that it can help my writing by doing a SPELLCHECK! That means that when I write a word that is not spelled good, it makes a red line under the word and then I go and I take out some letters or maybe even add more until the red line goes away. Also sometimes there is a green line that goes under a lot of words, but this was confusing because doesn't a green line mean GOOD? But Percy told me with the green line you should move words to different orders and sometimes take out words or make new commas until the green line goes away because the green line is bad. This makes writing much longer but it also makes it better (For example, instead of "better" I first wrote "more good" but that became a green line [also I wrote "writed" but that green-lined and became wrote"]) to read by my FANS, who are very smart and want to read words that are spelled like in the dictionary and in a good order too that doesn't get a green line.

Here are some things I learned: LOL is not a word, and also OMG is not a word. L8R is spelled Later, without an 8. Also "u" isn't a short way of saying "you" like "a" is short for "the"... I was very surprised by all of this, but my 8 th grade teacher from 20 years ago Mr. Garofolo told me it is true and he said something really smart, that instead of LOL I could say BUCKET OF LAUGHS! And also instead of OMG I could say JESUS CRUMBS…. Bucket of laughs!!!!