Monday, June 25, 2007

Movie theetar of the Future: REMOTE CONTROL!!

But: it IS about an idea for how to show "scripts" which are also called movies. Cool! So why am I having this idea you ask?? Well, it is becaue of an Ask the ASP email that i got in my email. THi was the question, from somebody name Jim:::

Hi James,
You said in one of ur aSPS reccently that you could fast forward through the boring part. How could u do that in a movie theetar??! Awesome!
Well Jim......first of all thanks for Asking the ASP! Ur question is good bc it shows u read my asp really good. It got me Thinking!

SOME MOVIES ARE VERY BORING!! and even in sojme movies iv seen it is like half an hour between car chases or even more!! So i invented a Remote Control for the Movie Theetar. And it work like this::::: When there is a prat that is boring, like a woman is in the sceen crying or something stupid like that, than, whoever in the theetar is bored like i would be can shout BORING loudly and if more than half of the ppl ar shouting BORING than that means the camerra person in the booth needs to fast forward.

Then when it is fast forwardring anybody can yell STOP if the movie looks cool again and when more than half the ppl yell STOP lso then also the cameraman in the booth needs to also stop the camera too so that ppl can watch from where it is exciting. BUT, i was also thinking well of course should there be rewind? then i thought NO! bc if u r stupid enough to miss it, then, u should have, to come back to the movie theetar and see it again, or maybe wait for it to come ont to DVD or the internet.

So this way it is good bc movies that are AvanGard and so they are boring for like 15 hours can be watched by ppl who dont understand AvanGard bc they will fastforward to like the places where ppl talk backwards and nonsense in really cool way! Awesome!!

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