Friday, December 29, 2006

The Envelope Team, A Group of Heros and Cowards

I'm working on many ideas right now... i always do work on many ideas at once bc i dont always have patience to sit down and do one and then i come bakc and finish them as i get to that point. So this "script" is another that i will be developing over the next few weeks. Its about a group of nine people known as "The Envelope TEam". The story is scie nce fiction with some autobiography mixed in too. They produce a series of nine messages that each one sends out without knowing abouot any of the others to the same place - a secret house. One message is sent every two years so over 18 years all the messages get there and they dont know why their sending them. But then the owner of the house tells them all to come and he shows them that their messages are all clues to where an ancient lost machine is hidden that can be used as a powerful weapon and that in past lives each member of the Envelope Team had helped build the machine which is why they all knew how to make it and wrote the letters. Bad things happen as they get closer to trying to find it and many people die. Even one person has his face torn off by a leopard like in APocalypto. It's a very exciting tale of intrigue and action and history. I would like it to be about two hours long.


Anonymous said...

How is that autobiographical?

James "Iago" Sullivan said...

It is very autobiogrsphical but u wont know how until you see it finished and then when it comes together it will be clear that its just like my life.