Thursday, February 15, 2007

Improving on aTm

Today i was thinking more about the idea for ATM bc i thinik its one of my best ideas since "Monopoly Man" and they are both dark autobiographys. i really didnt like the name "ATM" bc it is so boring and who is going to see a movie with such a boring name? Not me, lol! So i would like to call it now maybeb "ATM, A Killer Cyborg ATM". that name sound s a lot more itneresting like someone would think 'i know what an atm is but maybe i should see this movie and find out if it's true that some atm's can kill you instead of giving you monny".

I also remembered the great name i came with before, do you remember it was called Grimbald Yosemite DaLlodnoy? So i was originally going to put him in a movie called Garbage Truck bc he sounds like he ould be trapped in the back of a garbage truck, but no i think it's also a good name for the scientist who is a main charcter in ATM, A killer cyborg ATM. But i could also combine the ideas and write a prequel about what Grimbald did before he was a scientist ans he could get stuck in the back of the garbage truck and that's where he starts coming up with great new inventions like maybe a car that has gun s and knives to protect it from robbers. so i could make ATM, a Killer cyborg atm" and then i could write Grimbald in the Garbage Truck.

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