Saturday, February 10, 2007

Old movies are Important for making Movies

now i am going to teach you FANS something that i learned from the movie-director Arnron Shorr. I asked him if it was important to know about old movires and watch them to make new movies and --- you may be suprised, he said Yes! many of you probavly are thinking what i said to Arnron, which is old movies, especially black and white movies-are very boring and usually nothign happens, so why do i have ti know about black &white movies if i am making my movies in colors?

ythe reason is that all movies build on each other and improve things that old movies tried. For example, movies made in 2007 should be better than the movies from 2006, except Superman was very very good and maybe only Spiderman 3 which comes out this summer can beat him, but the movies from v2007 will only be even bettetr if the writers and directors watched all the old movies so they can outdo them. Therefour if i want my movies to be good then i have to watch the old movies first from the 1920s and 1930s and onward so that my films wont repeat their mistAkes , like being in black&white and having no explosions, but can also take things from them that they did right like maybe a shootout sceen or something.

My favorite old movies are: Miracle on 34th Street, Marx Brothers, and the Wizzard of Oz (yes some of it is in color but some is also in black and white so it counts! lol!)

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