Friday, January 12, 2007

How long does it Take to make a "Script"?

I luv when FANS email me questions (and I am a FAN of other film makers too and so I email them questions also so I do this also as well) and this was one question that one of my FANS percy asked me... How long does it take to write a "script"???
Good question! Like all complicuated qustions the answer is IT DEPENDS! lol bc if u mean from the time i get the idea (which all the time is in t he shower or toilet :-) LOL) to the time i am finish writing and can show it to ppl to make my film then that also depends, bc some screenplays are long asnd some screenplays are short, and what makes them long or short usualy is the amount ppl talk in the "script" but even this is not so clear bc sometimes lots of ppl can talk and the "script" is short when a short "script" can have like a three hour car chase that ends on a spaceship all without ppl talking much so the "script" looks shorter but in a film it is an epic sega.
Also, sometimes it is is hard to know when I finish too. Like I had this script called "The Potluck Dinner" about a man who brings a realluy good MEAT to a potluck dinner (that is where every one brings a dish of there own) and every one loves it and then at the end the police come bc rthe man had cooked a dead baby (that is what makes this ironic). but THEN i thought i was finished but THEN a year later I chaneged the name of the "script" to "Potluck Surprise!" So when did I finish, when I finishe the screenplay or whebn I made the title better?
These are some of the important things that screenwriters need to think.

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